The Culinary Quickies Podcast with Chef Mel The Happy Chef

The Culinary Quickies Podcast with Chef Mel The Happy Chef

Hosted by: Chef Mel The Happy Chef

Are you sick of your kitchen? Do you feel totally uninspired and just hate cooking? Do you want to be a more confident foodie? Together, in this podcast we are going to fix all those little problems that you might be...

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Ep 13 - Got Menu Fatigue? This is how you can pimp up old faithfuls!

Are you sick of your own cooking? Is the family complaining about the same old meals being made for dinner? First of all, you're not alone. And secondly, it's not your fault. In this episode of Culinary Quickies...
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Ep 12 - Stress-free Dinner Party Planning

Are you stressed whenever you have a dinner party? Have you been wishing you could entertain with ease? In this episode of Culinary Quickies listen as Chef Mel shares tips for reducing stress while cooking for dinner...
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Ep 11 - How to master poaching perfection for award winning eggs!

Are you wanting to make perfect poached eggs? Have you tried poaching eggs only to end up creating a mess? In this episode of Culinary Quickies listen to learn the common problems with poaching eggs, why it's NOT your...
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Ep 10 - Time to sort out your pantry and sniff your nuts!

Is your kitchen pantry in complete disarray? Are you wanting to feel inspired to cook again? When you have a stale, messy and disorganised pantry, some spring cleaning is in order to get your kitchen mojo back. In...
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Ep 9 - The secret to making Nonna's heavenly gnocchi

Want to know the secrets to cooking light, delicate gnocchi? Have all of your previous attempts at cooking gnocchi been a horrible, stressful mess? In this episode of Culinary Quickies we uncover the mystery that is...
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Ep 8 - Swap sad, sweaty, soggy roast vegetables for gorgeous, golden quickies.

Have you ever done a tray of roast vegetables in your oven, and after 45 minutes, you've opened the oven door and all you've got is a face full of steam and regrets? If yes, then this will change your life. If you...
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SPECIAL EP - Eat Yourself Sexy... go from bloated and lethargic to happy and healthy!

Have you recently done a spiring clean of your wardrobe to find some dressed that just aren't quite fitting as good as they used to? That's just what happened to Chef Mel so she is bringing you this super special...
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Ep 7 - How to get perfect pork belly crackling EVERY TIME!

Do you wish you could get perfect pork crackling every time? Pork crackling is one of those delightful things that we love to enjoy, whether it's a family roast or just a weeknight meal... let me take you through some...
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Ep 6 - Stir fries a wet soggy mess? STOP STIRRING! Let me help you fix this common mistake.

Is your stir-fry soggy? Do you want crisp, flavour-filled vegetables? In today's Culinary Quickies Podcast episode we are chatting with Ange Anderson about the quick fixes to go from soggy, sticky mess in the pan...
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Ep 5 - The perfect culinary spray tan to make your taste buds go wild with Dr Hayley

Is your chicken tasting dull? Are you wishing you could get some great flavour without adding calories? In today's episode we are chatting to the wonderful Dr Hayley O'Neill about how to add flavour and spice to your...
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Ep 4 - FAKE FRESH Stale crackers, old bread, someone left the corn chips open? Learn this hack.

In this super quick podcast episode discover the best kitchen hack that will also save you a fortune... getting your stale water crackers, corn chips or biscuits back to FRESH! If you've had a family member leave the...
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Ep 3 - Can't use a knife like a pro? Easy knife skill hacks!

Are your kitchen knife skills a little lacking? Do you HATE food prep because chopping feels like a disaster? In this super quick podcast episode we take you through easy knife skills so you can go from hack to hero...
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